Shiroyama Hideaki
Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy; Vice Director, Institute for Future Initiatives, The University of Tokyo
Energy scenario The University of Tokyo
Hideaki SHIROYAMA is a professor of public administration at the Graduate School of Public Policy and the Graduate School for Law and Politics, The University of Tokyo. He studies about global governance/ international administration, science/ technology and public policy and policy process. He was the Dean of the Graduate School of Public Policy from 2014 to 2016 and the Director of Policy Alternatives Research Institute from 2010 to 2014. He is the Director of Science, Technology, Innovation and Governance Program and the Coordinator of Graduate Program for Social Design and Management. He serves as a member of various government advisory councils on higher education, nuclear safety, consumer safety, space policy and AI/ IT. His major publications include “Technology Governance” in Sustainability Science: A Multidisciplinary Approach, United Nations University Press, 2011, “Governance for sustainability: knowledge integration and multi-actor dimensions in risk management”, Sustainability Science, vol.7 (2012), International Administration (Yuhikaku 2013) and Science, Technology and Politics (Minerva Publisher 2018).
The ideal form of energy system, particularly electric power systems that support data-driven society in Society 5.0 will be studied. The “Vision Goals”(proposals) of electric power systems which support Society 5.0 will be shared at the same time as efforts will be made to resolve technology challenges, policy, and system challenges which have been identified.
[Leaders of the research:Professor Yoshimura Shinobu (The University of Tokyo), Matsuoka Hideyuki (Hitachi)]