
Iijima Katsuya, MD, PhD

Director and Professor, Institute of Gerontology, The University of Tokyo

Heathy aging society Smart Aging The University of Tokyo

[Academic/Professional Qualification]
1990- Resident, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Chiba Medical University
1997- Fellow, Department of Geriatric Medicine, The University of Tokyo Hospital
2001- Assistant professor, Department of Geriatric Medicine, The University of Tokyo Hospital
2002- Research fellow, Cardiovascular Medicine, Stanford University, USA
2006- Lecturer, Department of Geriatric Medicine, The University of Tokyo Hospital
2011- Associate professor, Institute of Gerontology, The University of Tokyo
2016-present, Professor, Institute of Gerontology, The University of Tokyo

2015-present, Intellectual private-sector member of “National Assembly of Dynamic Engagement of All Citizens” (The Cabinet Office) 内閣府 一億総活躍国民会議 有識者民間議員

[Specialties and Interests]
Integrated community-based care system, Prevention of sarcopenia-related frailty, Patient-centered home medical care, Multi-disciplinary collaboration


Heathy aging society/age-friendly society implementation model

Provide for an aging society with a falling birth rate and support the working generation to promote a healthy society that remains close to people.
[Leaders of the research:Professor Iijima Katsuya (The University of Tokyo), Naono Ken and Hisamitu Toru (Hitachi)]

Smart Aging

Towards super-aging society, this sub working group makes use of artificial intelligence and realizes happy, all-generation inclusive, symbiotic, and "co-creative" communities to enhance social participation and life-long independence.
[Leaders of the research:Professor Iijima Katsuya (The University of Tokyo) and Naono Ken(Hitachi)]