
Ogimoto Kazuhiko

Project Professor, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo

Energy local communities The University of Tokyo

In 1979, graduated from the School of Engineering of the University of Tokyo and joined J-Power. Appointed to his present position in 2008. Research fields is the energy system integration including energy technology strategy, analysis and evaluation of materials and energy supply and demand, analysis and evaluation of dynamic energy supply and demand, centralized/distributed energy management, and introduction of reusable energies, energy systems diagnosis and evaluation; and risk assessment.



The ideal form of energy system, particularly electric power systems that support data-driven society in Society 5.0 will be studied. The “Vision Goals”(proposals) of electric power systems which support Society 5.0 will be shared at the same time as efforts will be made to resolve technology challenges, policy, and system challenges which have been identified.
[Leaders of the research:Professor Yoshimura Shinobu (The University of Tokyo), Matsuoka Hideyuki (Hitachi)]