Yabu Kenichiro

In 2010, completed a doctoral course in the Graduate School of System Design of Tokyo Metropolitan University. Doctor of Engineering. In the same year, appointed as a Project Researcher in the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo. Since 2014, Project Researcher in the Institute of Gerontology, the University of Tokyo (present appointment). Studies devices to assist elderly and disabled persons.

Ifukube Toru

In 1971, completed a Master’s course specializing in electrical engineering in the School of Engineering of Hokkaido University (Doctor of Engineering). After working as Professor at Hokkaido University and then the University of Tokyo, he was appointed to his present position in April 2011. He is now Professor emeritus of the University of Tokyo and Hokkaido University. He specializes in electronic information engineering, bioengineering, rehabilitation engineering, acoustic engineering, and virtual reality.

Okata Junichiro

After completing studies in urban engineering and completing a doctoral course in the School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, he was a Research Associate in the School of Engineering beginning in 1982. After working as a research associate, lecturer, and associate professor in the School of Architecture of Yokohama National University, he became an Associate Professor of the Urban Engineering Department of the University of Tokyo in 1996 and a full professor in that department, beginning in 1999. He specializes in urban planning and land use planning. He has enacted basic urban plans for a number of local government bodies and performed urban planning and community planning of individual local government bodies applying “community design bylaws.” Since April 2013, he has also served as the Director of the Institute of Gerontology.

Umeoka Koji

In 2008, completed his studies in the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo. After employment with Arata Isozaki and Associates, and appointed to his present position in January 2019. His specialty is architectural and urban design.

Miyata Shohei

In 2017, completed a Master’s course in the Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo. As of the same year, Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DC1). He specializes in control optimization and fault detection and diagnosis of air-conditioning systems.

Yamamura Shinji

In 1989, completed a Master’s course in Architecture in the School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo. After working at Nikken Sekkei, he moved to the Nikken Sekkei Research Institute. He specializes in environmentally friendly architecture, outdoor environmental planning and evaluation, low-carbon cities, and smart city-related policy planning. He is a Doctor of Engineering (2014, Tokyo Institute of Technology). He is a Professional Engineer, building mechanical and electrical engineer, and small and medium enterprise management consultant.

Kuwabara Yasuhiro

In 2008, completed study of Spatial Systems in a doctoral course in the Graduate School of Human Environmental Studies, Kyushu University (Doctor (Engineering)). Founded MTD as an Industry-University Collaborative Incubation Project with the University of Tokyo, in which he took part while employed by Sony. Appointed to his present position after resigning from Sony, he specializes in energy management systems using the Cloud and improving the efficiency of large heat source systems. He is a certified Professional Engineer and utility design first-class architect.