Tanaka Kenji

Completed a doctoral course in the University of Tokyo (Doctor of Engineering). After working atMcKinsey and Company and Japan Industrial Partners, Inc., he was appointed Assistant Professor at the University of Tokyo, and since 2017, has been Project Associate Professor specializing in the study of technology management strategy in the Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo (IoE social cooperation program).
Has acted as policy councilor for the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Division D Technical Committee member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, and Councilor of the Japan Association for Management Systems.

Ogimoto Kazuhiko

In 1979, graduated from the School of Engineering of the University of Tokyo and joined J-Power. Appointed to his present position in 2008. Research fields is the energy system integration including energy technology strategy, analysis and evaluation of materials and energy supply and demand, analysis and evaluation of dynamic energy supply and demand, centralized/distributed energy management, and introduction of reusable energies, energy systems diagnosis and evaluation; and risk assessment.

Yoshimoto Naoki, Dr.Eng.

Joined Advanced Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd. in 2003 and joined the H-U Tokyo Lab. in 2017. He specializes in environmental functional materials, energy management, and renewable energy application for building equipment system. Professional Engineer of Japan (Chemistry, Comprehensive Technical Management).