A new introduction page for the “Six Key Factors for Realizing Human-Centered Smart Cities” proposed by the Hitachi University of Tokyo Laboratory.
Category: HABITAT
Introduction Videos about Habitat Innovation Project were released.
Introduction Videos about Habitat Innovation Project have been uploaded on the University of Tokyo’s YouTube channel. We are determined to build the sustainable smart city we are promoting through the Habitat Innovation Project.
Full version with English subtitles (8’02”)
‘Society 5.0 -A People-centric Super-smart Society-‘ (ed. H-UTokyo Lab.) was released on SpringerOnline.
This book is English translation of the Japanese book ‘Society 5.0 人間中心の超スマート社会’, which was edited by H-UTokyo Lab. and published in October 2018.
By visiting this website, you can download the free eBook and order the hardcover book.
SpringerOnline website
【Bibliographic Information】
Title: Society 5.0 -A People-centric Super-smart Society-
Editor: Hitachi-UTokyo Laboratory(ed.)
Publisher: Springer Singapore
Copyright: 2020
Number of Pages: VII, 172
【Table of Contents】
Chapter 1: What Is Society 5.0?
1.1 How We Approach Society 5.0
1.2 Merging Cyberspace with Physical Space
1.3 Knowledge-Intensive Society
1.4 Data-Driven Society
1.5 Industrie 4.0 and Society 5.0
Chapter 2: Habitat Innovation
2.1 The Social Issues Japan Faces
2.2 Habitat Innovation Framework
2.3 Using the Habitat Innovation Framework to Solve Key Social Issues
Chapter 3: From Smart City to Society 5.0
3.1 What Is a Smart City?
3.2 Smart Energy Management Systems
3.3 Japan’s Smart Communities/Cities
3.4 Sustainable Cities and Smart Cities
3.5 From Citizen-Led Smart City to Society 5.0
Chapter 4: Integrating Urban Data with Urban Services
4.1 Architecture for Integrating Urban Information
4.2 Symbiosis of Urban Systems: Symbiotic Autonomous Decentralized System
4.3 Personal Data Protection: Anonymous Analysis Technology
4.4. Measuring Happiness: From the Internet of Things to the Internet of Humans
Chapter 5: Solving Social Issues Through Industry-Academia Collaboration
5.1 How Will Society 5.0 Transform Cities?
5.2 Building a Habitat to Support the 100-Year Life
5.3 Carbon-Free Society: “Energy” x ”Life” Management
5.4 Local Co-creation and Data-Driven Urban Planning
Chapter 6: From Monetary to Nonmonetary Society
6.1 Data-Driven and Nonmonetary Society
6.2 Digital Platforms in Society 5.0
6.3 Role of Cash in a Data-Driven Society
6.4 Private Ownership to Collaborative Commons: Wealth in a Postcapitalist Society
6.5 Society 5.0 and “Human Co-becoming”
Chapter 7: Interview: Creating Knowledge Collaboratively to Forge a Richer Society Tomorrow- An Innovation Ecosystem to Spearhead Social Transformation
Chapter 8: Issues and Outlook
8.1 Question of Happiness: Harmonizing Individual and Societal Interests
8.2 Significance of Society 5.0 and Its Outlook
Simplified Chinese translation of the Japanese book ‘Society 5.0′ was published.
This book is Simplified Chinese translation of the Japanese book ‘Society 5.0 人間中心の超スマート社会’, which was edited by H-UTokyo Lab. and published in October 2018.
【Bibliographic Information】
Titie:『社会5.0: 以人为中心的超级智能社会』
Edited by 日本日立东大实验室(H-UTokyo Lab.)
Translated by 沈丁心
Publisher: 北京:机械工业出版社(April 2020)
【Table of Contents】
前 言
第1章 什么是“社会5.0”
01 关于“社会5.0”的研究
02 网络空间与物理空间的融合
03 知识集约型社会
04 数据驱动型社会
05 “工业4.0”与“社会5.0”
第2章 从居住开始的变革“居住地革新”
01 日本面临的社会问题
02 居住地革新与架构
03 居住地革新框架在主要社会问题上的应用
第3章 从智慧城市到“社会5.0”
01 什么是智慧城市
02 能源管理的智能化
03 日本的智能社区·智慧城市
04 可持续的城市和智慧城市
05 从市民主导型智慧城市到“社会5.0”
第4章 城市的数据化和服务合作
01 城市信息合作的目标
02 城市系统的共生:共生自律分散系统
03 个人信息的保护:保密分析技术
04 幸福感的测量:从物联网到人联网
第5章 解决社会问题的产学共建研究
01 “社会5.0”中的城市会发生怎样的变化
02 打造支撑人生100年时代的居住环境
03 零碳社会与能源×生活管理
04 地域创生与数据驱动型计划
第6章 从货币价值社会到非货币价值社会
01 数据驱动型社会与非货币价值社会
02 “社会5.0”中的数据平台
03 数据驱动型社会中现金的使命
04 从私有到共享———后资本主义的富裕
05 “社会5.0”与“HumanCo-becoming”
第7章 对话:共建“智慧”,开拓丰富的未来社会
第8章 问题与展望
01 通往幸福的问题:面向个人与社会的和谐
02 “社会5.0”的意义与展望
H-UTokyo Lab. held the Industry-Academia Collaboration Forum, the 2nd Symposium of “Habitat Innovation toward Realization of Society 5.0.”
The Industry-Academia Collaboration Forum, the 2nd Symposium of “Habitat Innovation toward Realization of Society 5.0” was held.
For more details, please visit this page.
The Industry-Academia Collaboration Forum
The 2nd Symposium of “Habitat Innovation toward Realization of Society 5.0”
-Next-Generation Smart City: From Problem Solution to Value Creation-
【Date】11:00 – 17:00, January 8, 2020 (Exhibition 11:00-13:40, Symposium 14:00-17:00)
【Venue】Hitotsubashi Hall, National Center of Sciences Building, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
【Organizer】Hitachi-UTokyo Laboratory