This book is English translation of the Japanese book ‘Society 5.0 人間中心の超スマート社会’, which was edited by H-UTokyo Lab. and published in October 2018.
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【Bibliographic Information】
Title: Society 5.0 -A People-centric Super-smart Society-
Editor: Hitachi-UTokyo Laboratory(ed.)
Publisher: Springer Singapore
Copyright: 2020
Number of Pages: VII, 172
【Table of Contents】
Chapter 1: What Is Society 5.0?
1.1 How We Approach Society 5.0
1.2 Merging Cyberspace with Physical Space
1.3 Knowledge-Intensive Society
1.4 Data-Driven Society
1.5 Industrie 4.0 and Society 5.0
Chapter 2: Habitat Innovation
2.1 The Social Issues Japan Faces
2.2 Habitat Innovation Framework
2.3 Using the Habitat Innovation Framework to Solve Key Social Issues
Chapter 3: From Smart City to Society 5.0
3.1 What Is a Smart City?
3.2 Smart Energy Management Systems
3.3 Japan’s Smart Communities/Cities
3.4 Sustainable Cities and Smart Cities
3.5 From Citizen-Led Smart City to Society 5.0
Chapter 4: Integrating Urban Data with Urban Services
4.1 Architecture for Integrating Urban Information
4.2 Symbiosis of Urban Systems: Symbiotic Autonomous Decentralized System
4.3 Personal Data Protection: Anonymous Analysis Technology
4.4. Measuring Happiness: From the Internet of Things to the Internet of Humans
Chapter 5: Solving Social Issues Through Industry-Academia Collaboration
5.1 How Will Society 5.0 Transform Cities?
5.2 Building a Habitat to Support the 100-Year Life
5.3 Carbon-Free Society: “Energy” x ”Life” Management
5.4 Local Co-creation and Data-Driven Urban Planning
Chapter 6: From Monetary to Nonmonetary Society
6.1 Data-Driven and Nonmonetary Society
6.2 Digital Platforms in Society 5.0
6.3 Role of Cash in a Data-Driven Society
6.4 Private Ownership to Collaborative Commons: Wealth in a Postcapitalist Society
6.5 Society 5.0 and “Human Co-becoming”
Chapter 7: Interview: Creating Knowledge Collaboratively to Forge a Richer Society Tomorrow- An Innovation Ecosystem to Spearhead Social Transformation
Chapter 8: Issues and Outlook
8.1 Question of Happiness: Harmonizing Individual and Societal Interests
8.2 Significance of Society 5.0 and Its Outlook